Plain English

Our plain English products are similar to our Easy Read documents: jargon-free text and longer sentences, but with less images or sometimes no images.

Creating plain English documents

  • A plain English art exhibition guide

    Berlin-based Light Art Space were organising an exhibition about artificial intelligence (years before Chat GPT!) and wanted to provide exhibition goers with a plain English version of the guide.

    We held a multimedia Easy Read workshop to make the text more accessible using video, images and music made by the exhibiting artists.

  • TfL Action on Inclusion

    After we produced an Easy Read version of TfL’s Action on Inclusion we created a Plain English or Simplified version.

    Compared to the Easy Read version, the ‘simplified’ version added some complexity to the language and used a layout that was much closer to the original designed document.

    We worked with IC Works experts with autism to ensure this version would be accessible to autistic people and a wider neuro-diverse audience.

  • A dictionary definition of plain

    How we create plain English documents

    Plain English documents could be created by transcribing from the original document or reverse engineering an Easy Read version.

    There’s no template for plain English documents, they could be text-only or include images.

    We would always work with the IC Works experts when developing the document to ensure it meets the needs of the audience.