Accessible websites
We understand accessible web usability and the user experience for people with a learning disability and have years of experience developing websites from scratch
Global web standards are an excellent way to improve web accessibility for people with different disabilites and similar tech.
However, they only partially address web accessibility for people with cognitive issues.
That's where IC Works comes in…
We co-produced an accessible webpage for NHS England’s Universal Care Plan for NHS patients in London.
The project started with a draft Easy Read document based on the text from the main Universal Care Plan website.
Then, we held an Easy Read workshop, joined by SW London Integrated Care Board staff, and created a traditional Easy Read document.
Once the text and the images were agreed with the ICB staff, we worked with a web developer who designed a look and feel based on the Universal Care Plan branding.
“The team were great to work with - collaborative and dedicated. Shaun’s contributions were especially valuable, bringing insight and expertise that made a real difference.”
Web accessibility workshop
We then held a shorter Easy Read workshop to get feedback from the IC Works experts about the accessibility of the layout and navigation of the new Easy Read webpage.
Our web developer integrated the new page into the main UCP website, and after a few tweaks and edits, it was published live on the site.
NHS web developers added the left-hand menu and ‘Easy Read’ to the menu dropdown to ensure new visitors could quickly discover that accessible information was available as part of the website.
This is a refreshing change to have Easy Read information in HTML and embedded in the Content Management System rather than as a more difficult-to-update downloadable PDF.
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