Easy Read. Co-produced.

We co-produce Easy Read documents and work with partners to produce other accessible formats.

Our Easy Read co-production service gives you the confidence that your Easy Read documents are fully accessible to people with a learning disability and autistic people. We also specialise in co-producing interactive PDFs, accessible videos and webpages.

Working with our partners, we can also provide British Sign Language videos, Braille, audio and translation services. 

Easy Read Document Services | Clear & Accessible Content

Front cover of the Easy Read Nursing and Midwifery Review for NHS England

Making information easy to understand…

…isn’t always easy! But we make it much easier by working with and directly employing experts by experience.

Our clients really appreciate the experience and if you’re looking for the best Easy Read in town, you’ve come to the right place.

What they said about our Easy Read work

What we do

  • Co-producing Easy Read

    Co-production means working together so that everyone's views are included. All our work is guided by experts by experience.

    We value their life stories because they support us to create high-quality and accessible information that reflects their lived experience

  • What can you Easy Read?

    Almost anything. Working together, we can produce Easy Read documents on a huge range of subjects. From short film application forms and art exhibition guides to five-year strategies and consultation document

  • Accessible video of NHS England LeDeR Report

    Accessible videos

    We work with film production company Frizbee to co-produce professional films and accessible films for people with a learning disability and autistic people.

  • Universal Care Plan Accessible Webpage for NHS SW London ICB

    Accessible websites

    We can co-produce websites that are accessible for people with a learning disability and autistic people by working closely with IC Works’ experts by experience.

  • BSL video for TfL's Pedicab Consultation 2025

    British Sign Language

    We have forged a partnership with the Royal Association for Deaf People and have produced many high-quality BSL videos and spoken word audio to support clients with an audience of different communication needs.

  • Braille page produced for TfL by the Arthouse Wakefield


    We work with The Art House in Wakefield to produce Braille copies to provide a fast, accurate and affordable transcription service converting any document into Braille.

  • Public speaking about life experience

    Shaun Webster MBE, an expert by experience, is an engaging public speaker who tells it how it is!

    His life story takes us on a journey from the not-very-enlightened 70s to the more disability-aware 2020s.

  • Consulting

    IC Works experts by experience can check your in-house Easy Read documents and provide insights into improving your accessible information.

    Accessibility webinars led by IC Works staff and experts by experience will give your organisation the tools you need to make it more accessible and disability confident.

  • Plain English version of Light Art Space's exhibition about artificial intelliegence

    Plain English

    A similar approach to Easy Read production with easy-to-understand jargon-free text, but longer sentences, and less images than a typical Easy Read document.

  • NHS England Accessible Workbook

    Accessible E-Learning & Workbooks

    We can co-produce accessible workbooks or e-learning courses ensuring that language, images, audio and video are accessible and in harmony across the module.

  • Accessible Design

    When you need your Easy Read document to be designed (and printed) professionally we work with Lingual Design to create innovative and interactive documents that are easy to navigate.

    We bring Easy Read into the 21st century by creating designed documents resembling webpages, that are easy to navigate as well as easy to read.  

  • Support for experts by experience with a learning disability and autistic people

    Support for experts

    We can support people with a learning disability into mainstream or supported employment through our partnerships with Opening Doors and Sunderland People First.

  • Audio Easy Read

    Working with the authors of the document or voice over artists we can produce a document with a 'speak out loud' audio function.

    Audio can really bring a document to life. We created an ‘Audio Easy Read’ version of PCREF when Jacqui Dyer and three co-authors of the original document read the Easy Read doc and their voiceover was embedded into each page.

  • A women makes a sounds recording, wearing headphone and speaking into a microphone

    Spoken word audio

    Working with Royal Association for Deaf People we produce spoken word audio versions of documents.

    Audio is provided as mp3 files which can be uploaded and streamed online or as higher quality wav files which can be used to create audio CDs.

  • An electric guitar and a vintage guitar amp

    Original music to soundtrack your project

    For a truly unique approach, we can create original music for your video or accessible information project.

    The music could accompany an audio Easy Read document, the soundtrack of an accessible video or spoken word audio.

What we’ve done

Who we are

Step One - Request a quote

Need an Easy Read document or another accessible format such as British Sign Language, an accessible video or Braille?

Step Two - Join an Easy Read workshop

Quote accepted? Great! Now, we'll get cracking on your accessible format, including one of our famous EasyRead+ workshops with the IC Works experts. 

Step Three - Amend, update & sign off

We'll send you the draft Easy Read doc plus other accessible formats for your final comments and sign-off.

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Get in Touch | Easy Read Documents

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Need Easy Read? Please complete this form and upload your document and you’ll get a quote in a few working days or if you prefer call 07788 587 175 or email ian@ic-works.co.uk